
Access & Fee

Murin-an visit reservation

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, visits to Murin-an will be by advance reservation and on an hourly basis.
With apologies for the inconvenience, we ask that you make reservations according to the reservation request times below.
Reservation form

Points for attention

Reservation times:
〇Between 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, visitors shall be limited to 15 people at a time.
〇Please understand that entry will not be permitted after your reservation time.
〇Payments shall be made in advance and a 100% cancelation fee shall be charged for cancelations.
〇We shall accept reservations up to 30 days before your requested visit date.
〇Internet reservations are subject to approval, procedures for which must be made by 4:00 PM of the previous day.
〇Only one menu may be selected for a single reservation. Selecting more than one menu for reservations at a single time requires making separate reservations for each menu.

During your visit, please:
〇Wear a mask.
〇Refrain from entering if you are not feeling well or have a temperature of 37.5°C (99.5° F) or more.
〇Disinfect your hands with alcohol upon entering.
〇To avoid crowding, please follow directions from staff about what routes to follow.


April-September 9:00AM-6:00PM
October-March 9:00AM-5:00PM

※Last admission is 30 minutes before the closing time.


December 29-31 
※Open from New Year’s Day.


Adults 600Yen
*Free for children under 6
*In accordance with revisions made to the Ordinance for Kyoto City’s Murin-an and Other Areas, entry fee for “Place of Scenic Beauty: Murin-an” was raised to 600 yen on October 1, 2019.

A Ticket to Enjoying Murin-an’s Changes (“The Four Seasons Ticket”)
Starting on October 1, 2019, Murin-an will be selling a four seasons ticket that offers visitors great value.
It’s a ticket that lets you enjoy Murin-an as it changes from season to season and through different times of the day even more freely than before!
It also makes for the perfect gift.
Let this garden be your garden. And also a gift for someone special.

This ticket is being sold at Murin-an’s reception window. Be sure to try it out!

Validity period: One year from first use
Price: 1,800 yen
Points for attention:
・ Ticket can only be used once a day.
・ Ticket is usable four times while valid.
・ Validity period is one year from first use. Final expiry is March 31, 2023.
・ Tickets cannot be used with other discounts.
・ Ticket cannot be exchanged for money or returned.
・ Ticket cannot be reissued if lost. A new ticket must be purchased.

Exempted (free)

Kyoto citizens over the age of 70
※Please show valid ID with age and address (eg: driver’s license or senior transit pass).

Kyoto citizens over the age of 70 with long-term care insurance (LTC or LTCI) and 1 caretaker
※Please kindly show a valid insurance card.

Special healthcare certificate holder (eg: physical and/or mental disabilities, rehabilitation, wounded soldier, radiation victim) and 1 caretaker.
※Please show valid certificate or ID card.

Students of a Kyoto elementary school or Jr. high school or Kyoto citizen attending another elementary or Jr. high school
※Please kindly show student ID.

Infants under elementary school


100 yen off if you have a Kyoto City Subway One-day Pass
※For more information, please visit the Kyoto City Transportation Bureau.

100 yen off if you have a Kyoto Shugakuryoko (school trip) 1-day ticket or a Kyoto Passport
※For more information, please view the Kyoto Shugakuryoko (Japanese only).

100 yen off if you are a student of a university or college that is enrolled in the Kyoto City Campus Culture Partners System (Japanese only)

This partnership is under The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto, which is designed to provide students with the opportunity to study Japanese culture and history. Please show your membership card or student ID.

*Valid for students enrolled in a university that is a member of The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto.

Murin-an Café

Murin-an Café
Café is open in the main Japanese house.
About Murin-an Café


MURIN-AN Administrative Office

31 Nanzenji Kusakawa-cho, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture 606-8437
TEL +81-75-771-3909


City Bus (Kyoto Transportation Bureau)

Kyoto Okazaki Loop bus: Get off at “Nanzenji, Biwako Canal Memorial Hall, Kyoto City Zoo Higashimon-mae” then walk 1 minute.
Via other City Bus: Get off at “Jingumichi” or “Okazaki Koen Bijutsukan Heian Jingu-mae)” (Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art) then walk 9~10 minutes.

Train (Kyoto City Tozai Subway Line)

Take the Kyoto City Tozai Subway Line and get off at Keage Station (T09), then walk 7 minutes.

Please visit the Kyoto Transportation Bureau homepage for timetables.


From Kyoto Station approximately 20 minutes.

Please note that Murin-an does not have a parking lot. Due to heavy traffic during tourism seasons, public transportation and taxi are recommended.

Exclusive rental use of the main building and tea house

Applications for media coverage or photo shoots

Contact & Inquiry

MURIN-AN Administrative Office
31 Kusakawa-cho, Nanzenji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8437
TEL & FAX: 075-771-3909

Contact for email inquiry